Małe dziewczynki będą mogły w końcu bawić się Lego, które nie dyskryminuje i nie przypisuje im z góry określonych ról.
Bardzo nam się podoba seria, która wkrótce ma trafić do sprzedaży. Wśród niej małe postaci Lego kobiet – chemiczek, astronautów, paleontologów..
Co Wy na to?
we will be falling short $5600. (each individual unit). this was done March 2012. Brownings said we should not be required any other assessments for another 30 years. Albeit my monthly dues go up every year by the allowed 20%. Now for the “Big One”, in 2005, there was a huge assessment of $45,000 to every homeowner due to renovations. My Board operates outside the CCR1pm;&Ra7;s until I remind them of the rules. They apparently, they did do a visual inspection of the property this year. This was done by our Management Co. cohorts, Contractors friends. Should the visual be done by an engineer ? Or a reserve specialist? Thank you for comment. Pam Stone